Friday, July 11, 2014

Switched by Elise Sax

Debra’s wedding day ended when the groom jilted her three hours before the ceremony, leaving her with a stiff catering bill and a broken heart. Now, he’s off to Bora Bora on a one-man honeymoon, and she’s on the couch in her wedding dress, watching Christmas movies and eating her way through the corner market. Inspired by her movie marathon, she decides to do a home exchange on a Spanish island to get over her ex. But Debra’s life is nothing like the movies, and her home exchange goes terribly wrong. Stranded, she draws the attention of a hunky café owner who might know more than he admits about the disappearances of some local women. If Debra's not careful, she may be the next one to disappear.

My review:
Another hilarious offering from Elise Sax. This is a funny romantic mystery that will keep you guessing and giggling. Debra could be my BFF.  A smart woman who despite making some poor choices doesn’t give up.  When she is left at the alter she pouts for a bit and then pulls up her big girl panties and goes for a change of scenery.  She signs up for a house swap in Spain and there she meets some hunky guys and gets into more trouble than Lucy Ricardo.  I loved this laugh out loud romp.

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