Friday, July 5, 2019

Lala Thankyou: Talk Is Cheap by Erica Gerald Mason

WERK HONEY...Lazarus Mercy adjusts to his new life in as a consultant for the Indianapolis Police Department. His fans adore him, his boss respects him, and his anxiety is under control...that is until he's called in on a new case. NEW TO TOWN AND EVERYTHING TO PROVE...Unsure of his place in the police force, Lazarus makes new friends while facing an old enemy. ---can Lazarus work the case...while working through his problems?

My review:
Like Lazarus Mercy/Lala Thankyou this is two stories in one. Lazarus is finding his way in a new job and Lala is dealing with competition. In this story we see Lazarus struggling with his past and his future all while helping the police solve a kidnapping.  I enjoyed and want more.

Buy link:

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