Tuesday, March 28, 2017

The Unyielding (Call of Crows #3) by Shelly Laurenston

Stieg Engstrom, Angriest Viking Ever, has got big problems. The human Viking Clans of earth are in danger of being obliterated—along with the rest of the world—and the only one who may be able to save them is a super pain-in-the-ass Crow. Most people annoy Stieg, but this is the one woman he really can’t stand…

Erin Amsel loves being a Crow! Why wouldn’t she when the other Viking Clans are so hilariously arrogant and humorless? She’s not about to let all that come to an end! She just didn’t expect to be shoulder to shoulder in battle with Stieg. Then again, he’s so easy to torment—and also kind of cute.

With the future of the world riding on them, Stieg knows he’ll have to put aside his desperate need to kiss the smirk right off Erin’s face. Wait. What? He didn’t mean that—did he? No! They have one goal: To conquer the idiots. Because nothing bugs Stieg more than when idiots win. If only he can keep himself from suddenly acting like one….

My review:
This series is the BEST!!! This book is a rocket ride that will have you busting your gut laughing one moment and peeking through your fingers the next. Erin Amsel may be my favorite character EVER. She has absolutely no filter whatsoever so you always know where you stand. Her sense of humor floored me. Now put her together with stoic Stieg Engstrom, Angriest Viking Ever and watch as he is put in the position of being the sane one as he and Erin are off to save the world.

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