Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Death Magic (World of the Lupi #8) by Eileen Wilks

There are authors and series that you consider auto-buy.  This is one of them for me.  I always look forward with great anticipation to the next World of the Lupi book.  Eileen Wilks has created a fantastic world of fantasy and drama.

In this latest installment Lily Yu and Rule Turner are in Washington D.C. to testify in front of a couple of subcommittees.  As per normal for them nothing is ever quite that easy or straight forward.  The “Humans First” senator that was on each of the subcommittees that Lily and Rule were to appear in front of is killed and Ruben Brooks (Lily’s boss) is accused of the murder.  With the help of Lupi sorcerer Cullen and various friends and allies Lily and Rule run through a gauntlet of trials to help establish Rubens innocence.

Death Magic is filled with incredibly exciting twists and turns.  I am eagerly awaiting the next adventure.

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