Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Firefighter Griffin (Fire & Rescue Shifters #3) by Zoe Chant




Single mom Hayley Parker has always had to face every parenting challenge on her own - but when her five-year-old son unexpectedly turns into a lion cub, she finds herself with more than she can handle. With her little boy stuck up a tree and yowling for help, the only thing she can think to do is call the fire department....

Ex-firefighter Griffin MacCormick has the heart of a lion and the eyes of an eagle - literally. As a unique shifter with two inner animals, his battling beasts are slowly tearing his body and soul apart. Forced to retire from the elite all-shifter Alpha Team by his degenerative condition, he struggles to be content working as a dispatcher...until one day he takes a call that will change his life.

When Griff meets Hayley, both his lion and his eagle instantly recognize her as their one true mate. But how can he ask Hayley to risk her heart on a dying man, when she's already been abandoned once in the past? And when Hayley's arrogant lion shifter ex unexpectedly reappears on the scene with a horrifying demand, how can Griff protect his mate and her cub?


My review:

Firefighter Griffin is a multi-layered tale of love and acceptance. A seriously adorable meet-cute starts off the story of a single human mother, her ridiculously cute lion shifter son, his absent father and firefighter Griffin an eagle/lion hybrid shifter who is unable to shift. I was drawn in and couldn’t put this book down till after the very last page. Though this is part of a series it stands on its own just fine.


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