Wednesday, July 3, 2024

The Scented Cipher (A Nora Black Midlife Psychic Mystery Book 9) by Renee George


The Scented Cipher (A Nora Black Midlife Psychic Mystery Book 9) by Renee George



My name is Nora Black, local shop owner and part-time psychic consultant in the resort town of Garden Cove.

When an anonymous letter in the local paper exposes my extrasensory secret, our normally idyllic town is plagued by a series of mysterious accidents, and I find myself drawn into a deadly game of cat and mouse.

A cunning killer has targeted me by planting scent clues to a murder he plans to commit. His clues are muddy, but the message is clear: Catch me before I kill.

Thankfully, I won’t have to piece together the puzzle alone. With my best friends Gilly and Pippa and my sweetheart Detective Ezra Holden by my side, we’ll sniff out the trail of the would-be killer.

But as the danger escalates, I’ll have to rely on my unique ability to decipher the clues and outsmart my devious foe before it’s too late.


My review:

Somebody out there has it in for Nora and now she has to sniff out the culprit. This brings the danger close to home. This story had me biting my nails and flipping pages. This may be the best in the series to date.


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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Crimson Moon Hideaway: Skin Deep by Jennifer Wedmore



Stephen was venturing out of Black Hollow for the first time. His cousin Derrick and his fiancee Raveena were headed to Crimson Moon Hideaway to check out the resort as a possible honeymoon destination. Somehow, he was along for the ride, but he wasn't comfortable being in public as a former cursed human, also known as a zombie. Then he saw her, he knew right away she was the one, but would she love a zombie?

Verise missed the Deep Blue Sea Expo but decided to check out the resort anyway. What she didn't expect to happen, her Selkie skin was stolen, no one knew what happened and she met the possible love of her life. Could the best thing that ever happened to her, be at the same time as the worst? Could she learn to live as a human or would she find her Selkie hide and go back to the sea?


My review:

Skin Deep is a Crimson Moon Hideaway / Black Hollow crossover story that can be read stand alone but would be enjoyed more if you’re at least acquainted with Black Hollow. This story deals with learning to be comfortable in your own skin and loving who you are. I really enjoyed revisiting with Derrick, Raveena and Stephen and meeting Verise. A magical romance.


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Monday, July 1, 2024

The Accidental Ghost (The Accidentals 15) by Dakota Cassidy



Raphaela Tucci, Ralph to those who know and love her, beloved former first-grade teacher, newly minted bookstore owner, and ever the optimist is dead…


Not only is she dead, she’s a ghost. Like, bonafide see-through, floating, boo screeching ghost.

It’s hard to be optimistic when your life tragically ends the moment you begin to live your dream. But Ralph tries anyway, even as she finds herself stuck in Nina’s big castle—on Long Island, no less.

Ralph doesn’t know how she ended up where she landed, but after a week of floating silently unseen through room after room, watching these kooky but loveable women live their lives, she doesn’t understand why her destiny isn’t even close to what she’s read in books and seen in movies.

Maybe there really isn’t an upstairs after all?

Enter Shamus Ransom, the biggest (hottest) silver-fox elf (whaaat?) she’s ever seen with the ability to see and communicate with ghosts. He’s been hired by Nina to eliminate the funny smell the vampire’s positive is a ghost haunting her castle.

What he finds is a beautiful, completely stuck ghost with a heart of gold and an optimistic outlook he’s never seen in an entity.

Shamus’s job already isn’t an easy one, but as he tries to find out why Ralph is stuck and categorize what type of ghost she is, he also finds himself falling in deep like with her. Getting involved is absolutely out of the question. Theirs would be far more than a long distance romance. To even consider it was ludicrous, right?

But as Shamus and the women of OOPS try and figure out what happened to Ralph on the night she was killed and why she’s cemented on this plane, there are dangerous entities gunning for Ralph and they won’t stop until she’s locked away in Hell—


My review:

Fantastic! The author manages to keep it fresh even though there is definitely a formula to this series. Even the characters comment on it. I had no idea how the author was going to have the Oops squad interact with a ghost but she did it creatively and with a bit of cussin on Nina’s part.  A fun and unique romp.

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