Monday, June 7, 2021

Black Hollow: Slumber's Destiny by Robbie Cox




"I miss you when I wake, and all I do throughout the day is yearn to sleep again, because only in my sleep do I find you."


Sandie has run The Daydreamer Inn for decades, taking care of his quests to ensure they have the best slumber they can while visiting the paranormal town of Black Hollow. However, though many people come through his doors, it's only in his sleep that he finds the lady he feels completely comfortable with.


My review:

The only constant is change something that Sandie isn’t fond of. Changes are coming to shake up Sandies comfortable world. Slumber's Destiny tells the tale of Sandie and his Destiny in more ways than one. I loved this story. I had wondered how they were going to awaken Sandie to love and life. Wasn’t what I expected but so much better.


Buy link:


1 comment:

Teri said...

I loved this story too! I enjoyed how the Author kept in line with Sandie's character to make it all work! <3