
Saturday, July 7, 2018

The grass is always greener…

The grass is always greener…

I was on Facebook and saw a post that just grabbed me the wrong way. Get ready for a rant.

I am just at six feet tall. Growing up I was told models are tall, you should be happy. I was invited to play basketball a lot but yeah no I’m not the most athletically inclined. You get called the most unflattering names like Gigantor, Lurch, or treetop. I had the president of the company once call me Olive Oyl in front of the whole company. When I was around shorter women I was the one the guys asked to lift the other end of the couch like the 5’6” woman wouldn’t be as strong. But I wasn’t the one they asked out. Guys were intimidated by my height like the fact I could see eye to eye made them smaller somehow. And don’t get me started on how many times I’m called sir or mister. And don’t say I should dress up; I went to a pub with some shorter gal pals wearing a dress and made up to the nines on ladies night. They all got in just fine but I was asked for the cover charge. Argh! A guy having to pull the seat up after I’ve driven is a hint the date isn’t going to go well. Not all guys are hung up on height. The least hung up on height guy I dated was a full foot shorter but dancing was out. Yes, I can reach things on the top shelf but I also bang my head on shelves and doors. Getting in and out of a bus or car can be deadly. I can be intimidating, I remember going to a book signing at Dragon Con and looming over Charlaine Harris. I’m sure she felt awkward. I know I did. I’ve had others feel intimidated until they get to know me.

I’m aware that there is bias against petite women as well. They are treated like dolls and not taken seriously. There is also a litany of names they are treated to as well. 

With all that being said I like who I am and there are lots of young women out there a whole lot taller than I am. What I want to say is that there are good things and bad about being tall or short and you should just love yourself.

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