
Monday, April 18, 2016

Delta Force (Special Ops Series) by Julie Morgan


Special Ops soldier Logan Saunders is at the top of his game. He has led nearly impossible missions in the heat of war, while having a wife at home who waited for his return.

Or so he thought. Receiving word of a fatal collision, Logan returns home and soon discovers her infidelity.

Training missions, parties, and women become his life's focus. When the partying makes him a danger to others and himself, matters are placed into the hands of the military.

When forced with a life changing decision, Logan meets a woman who will change his life. Problem is, she is his assigned therapist. And she is off limits. Will she be able to help Logan get over his past and forgive his wife? What about forgiving himself? In the line of fire, there is fight or flight. This is a fight Logan intends to win.

My review:
This one hit close to home. As a former military spouse I have seen versions of this scenario play out time after time. I know of the feelings of rage, hurt, betrayal and pain. Logan feels all of these and acts out by being an asshole to the women he meets. I’ve met him too. This was a tough book to get through. I wish I liked Logan more but was glad I read it through. The story was spot on from the foul mouth to the crass acts to finally starting to forgive himself and moving on.  Well done.

Buy links:

Author Bio:

Originally from Burleson, Texas Julie always had a love of books, especially paranormal stories. Julie finally took the leap to begin writing with encouragement from her family.

Having worked in IT her entire career, Julie now spends her free time writing. Living in Central Florida with her husband and daughter, her favorite pastime is reading children's stories to her daughter, especially those around animals.

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