
Friday, December 27, 2013

Only for Him, Part One (Only for Him, #1) by Melissa Schroeder

From USA Today Bestselling Author and the creator of the Harmless series, comes the first ever Harmless SERIAL. 

You met Addy and Vic in Surrender, and now you get their story. Only available on Melissa's website for FREE!

I hate serials! Mostly because I am an instant gratification type.  I want to know and I want to know now! 
We met Addy as Amanda’s friend and co-worker in A Little Harmless Military: Surrender.  Addy is smart and spunky.  Vic is a lawyer and owner of a fetish club in Washington DC.  He works for Addy’s father and has been pursuing Addy for over a year.  When he offers her a ride home from her father’s holiday party she accepts and Vic may finally get his foot in the door.

This book is steamy and if this is the first in the series I’m thinking the rest may just melt the ink off the page.  I can’t wait for the next installment.

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